26 May 2012

I am increasingly...

being drawn into the beauty of meditation.

It used to be a scary thing for me at first, because I thought one had to go away on a pilgrimmage, or had to perform certain rituals, or follow a religious person, or be part of a group of seekers, or get into certain meditation postures, or use a particular procedure and chant mantras to still the mind...

words like enlightenment were rather frightening as well.

Pilgrimmage--I'm not into going to religious places - I need to be with nature, and love the beauty and solitude of a forest, or garden with lots of trees...
Rituals--I'm totally against rituals. Yes, I do like some symbols, but these are eclectic - chosen because they mean something very personal...
Religious person--mine is my Savior, who lives in my heart...
Group of seekers--no - I may like to go with an undemanding, all-accepting friend, maybe, but would prefer to go it alone...
Posture--I'm no good at sitting cross-legged, or any other prescribed meditating posture...
Procedure and mantras--I found I could not use any of the ones I read about...

So, have found my own meditation technique to still my mind....and believe me, it is so wonderful!! joyously wonderful!!! truly, realistically, and unpretentiously wonderful!!!

Best part is that it is saving me from so much hurt, pain, fear, and doubtfulness.....and even better, am finding that I don't have to pretend to anyone at all, or ever......and there is no fear of rejection, or isolation, or aloneness....

And all the sham just falls away, and you realize that all you need is inside of you...