16 September 2017

No amount of...

cosmetics, plastic surgery, botox injections, nor a complete overhaul of our wardrobe or total makeovers will bring about the change we crave, unless we fight and vanquish the past--every tentacle, no matter how daunting or how tiny it is, that reaches out and strangles our hopes and our faith in ourselves...that puts us down and makes us feel small and unworthy.... Every atom that comes hurtling at us and destroys our peace of mind has to be deflected.... Only then will we be able to bring about the change in ourselves that we so long for and want to happen....

01 September 2017

Have you got...

your own song?

Charlie Knight, UTE, says:

"Everyone has a song. God gives us each a song. That's how we know who we are. Our song tells us who we are."

According to Native American wisdom, 'This song is given to each of us from the Great Spirit. Whenever we sing this song, we will receive courage and strength, not only for ourselves, but if we sing this song for others, it will help them. The song will give us power and make us feel really good. The song will make us see life in a sacred way.'

Clearly having our own song will empower us. But, we may not have our own song. We need to ask the Creator, in prayer, to give us our own song. With the song, the Creator entrusts us with a responsibility - the responsibility to act and conduct ourselves as the song demands... Thus we learn who we are...