21 January 2016

There are times when we get stuck in a situation...

that makes us behave quite differently from how we know we should...

Sometimes, we find ourselves reacting to something in a manner we cannot imagine we just did...

We may also find ourselves, at times, responding with words that we can see are reducing the other person, taking away his/her dignity and self-worth...

We may stop right here, and try to salvage the situation. It is not good either to hurt someone, no matter how the other person has behaved towards us, or, indeed, hurt ourselves by our bad behaviour. Sometimes this reaching out works, sometimes it doesn't....and we hope we have not lost a friend.

However, there are times when we find we cannot stop and something just drives us on. This is terribly destructive for everybody involved.

The thing is, we cannot change anyone. People behave in the manner they are programmed to behave in. But, we can improve on our hurtful responses and bad behaviour with awareness and training. We have to learn - force ourselves, actually - not to respond in any way. There is really no need to respond to everything that is done or said. Some things we can let go. Some incidents we can file away, to respond to when we are in a calmer frame of mind. Some words or actions we can ignore. The demand on us is to be understanding of why the other person behaved in the way he/she did. This is not rationalising....it is just an understanding, or making a note of the bad behaviour, and leaving it be. However, this is also a time for us to examine ourselves - our words, our behaviour - and make the necessary corrections. We cannot always be right, and we may not want to admit that we are capable of bad behaviour, but the fact is that we are just as human as the next person.....

First, stop any words or actions that may arise spontaneously to someone's bad behaviour. Just be quiet. You may have to exert all your will power to force yourself to keep quiet or walk away. Believe me when I say that there is a great deal of will power inside us - just that we seldom summon it.
Second, make a note. If you can find it in your heart to be so, then be understanding of the other person.
Third, see if maybe there is something in us that needs fine tuning.....kind of do a reality check on ourselves....and instead of going into denial mode, or pushing away the truth about ourselves, or blaming circumstances beyond our control, we can work on doing something about it. This is not easy, for we all have a tendency to think we couldn't behave badly. Fact is, we can, and we do behave badly/foolishly/unwisely and instead of not facing this fact, it would be better to take it out and look at it, no matter how painful, tell ourselves that well, it happened, but it is not the end, and then work on it.......transform ourselves....we'll be more at peace with ourselves and the world around us.

18 January 2016

Talking about habits...

Next time you unthinkingly slide into doing 'what you have to do' at 10 in the morning, just stop and think if you are doing what you are doing out of habit or because you want to or because you have to. Agreed some things have to be done as part of the day's routine. But, if it is not absolutely germane to your well-being, maybe it needn't be done just at that time? Maybe it can be postponed to another time? Maybe it needn't be done at all that day? Maybe it can be done another way?

Next, check how you feel: Horribly guilty? Unsure if you are doing 'the right thing' by postponing/not doing/changing the task? Liberated from the bond of doing that chore? A feeling of free-ness?

It's very important not to allow ourselves to be hooked by tasks....by anything, actually. Albert Camus has this to say: Though habits give shape to our inner lives, they can mutate into the rigidity of routine and create a kind of momentum that, rather than expanding our capacity for happiness, contracts it.

Beware, then and kick anything that may tie your heart and soul down...

15 January 2016

Something I heard...

and which explains a great deal...

We absorb a great deal of information from our surroundings, our environment, the media, the books we read, the movies we see etcetcetc.....Some of it stays, some of it disappears altogether and some of it gets hidden to surface at a later point of time. How we process all this information inside of us depends on what we are all about. This is then what becomes the body of our knowledge....Fantastic, isn't it?!

How the face changes...

I've been thinking about this ever since I read how when we are young we resemble our parents, but as we grow older our face changes. This made me pause and I wanted to search my own thoughts on this.

How does the face change? How do looks become different? What happens?

I know all of us have, at some time or other, thought of these things. For me, I realized that this train of thought made all kinds of things that were buried deep under many, many layers of my consciousness, surface. Pulling them out and examining them has been quite painful at times, and surprising at others.

Here are some of the things that change the way we look:

The experiences we go through
The lessons life teaches us - some scary, some painful, some beautiful
The books we read, the films we watch, the courses we choose to study
The developing of our likes and dislikes - sometimes quite, quite different from our parents' likes and dislikes
The consciousness that dawns on us about talents and personality traits that we never dreamt we had
The consciousness that our dream about ourself or the belief that we were this, that or the other isn't really real
The consciousness that how we viewed ourselves is very different from what we actually are
The choices we make - some simple, some difficult and more complicated...some matching what our parents would have wanted us to make, some very different from what we were brought up to make or very different from the 'done' thing in the circle we grew up in

Our thinking changes as we realize that we are not the person we thought we were and around and on which we had built up the whole structure of our lives...And as this seeps into our consciousness the lines of our face change and we come into our own.....we are of our parents, but we are different from them....we are our own person. Scary......but true....and this opens a whole world of possibilities....gives us the chance to dream more realistic dreams, as it were....

Could be this is why some people look better and better as they grow older while some never change at all from the time you knew them as a child. Some actually begin to look like copies of their parents while some become totally different with just the shades of their parents showing beneath some contours...