29 May 2012


loneliest feeling - the definitive click of a door shutting, leaving you on the outside

most haunting sound - the faint strains of Lara's theme

greatest courage - to place your hand in the hand of God trusting where He leads you

thing that gives goose pimples - the pure sound of a Hammond playing The Crimmond (Ps 23)

most comforting sound - wind moving through the trees (remember Heidi?)

sound that sends your heart soaring - 'hey Mom'

most unbearable pain - to lose your child

greatest happiness - to see your child's face, dancing, watching a good film - (read love story with a happily ever after ending!)

sweetest sound - the quiet breathing of your child in sleep

thing you crave for - to be accepted and loved as you are and to have the confidence to lean on the person offering you this

happiest place to be - your own cozy, comfy, beautiful Retreat (with lots of plants in it)

antidote to everything - the peace of solitude, a hot, scented bath in a candle-lit, incense-filled bathroom

best smells - food being cooked by a happy chef, books, wet earth, woodsmoke, a eucalyptus grove, flowers, nature

only things to treasure - your child, good friends, lovely home, a place to worship

company - friends who enrich and enliven the air, where you can speak your mind, laugh, listen and participate in the talk swirling around you, fearlessly

best way to de-stress - go for a long walk

perfumes with memories attached - Chanel No 5, Miss Dior, Lily of the Valley, Lavender, Jasmine, Fleur de Fleurs by Nina Ricci

thing to remind yourself - when you see those less fortunate, think: 'There but for the Grace of God, go I'

happiest thing to do - work of any kind, especially what you do because you enjoy doing it and not necessarily what brings in money

thing to remember - if you have two pennies - buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other

best way to sleep - out in the open under the canopy of stars

(any more that can be added in....?)