08 July 2016

Our task here on earth is...

only, only, only to create ourselves. Nothing else. Life throws numerous challenges at us right from the moment we are born: where we are born, where we live, who all we come in contact with, who we choose to love or hate, where we are placed to work.....every single action. Some of these affirm us, some negate us, some build us up, some destroy us....through it all, the one thing that is constantly happening to us is change - we keep changing

We can either leave this to the forces of Nature, or we can take a hand, understand, chip off, tweak...do whatever has to be done, through happiness and deep pain to go on creating and re-creating and re-re-creating ourselves.

We do not take away anything with us when we finally return to dust....but our soul and spirit will find peace and fulfillment if we have lived as better people...