04 July 2016

A word of caution...

to all of us who are battling with past hurts, no matter what form they take...

It has to be a strong conscious decision to break with the past. Why strong? because the past has a way of creeping up on us unbidden, seeping into our hearts through doors that have been blocked to them and then spreading their poison.

I am sharing this because this is what happens to me.

This poison takes two forms - One is of hurting...a dark, deep hurting when your whole being wants to cry out, and it does, reliving the pain, the sadness, the darkness and the big question why me goes round and round keeping the poison alive. The second is, strangely of comfort. It is a distorted comfort, but comfort it is because we are now in a zone we are used to, an area we understand, and we know that the loving presence of our friends and family will cocoon us.

Neither of these will liberate us from the cycle of hurt and pain.

At this time we are unable to recollect all the wise sayings we've made a note of. However, I'm finding that the more I read about pain management, or tap into the wisdom of Maya Angelou, or learn about people who have battled all odds to live a good, productive and peaceful life of joyfulness, slowly these start to filter in and push the poison out. To this when we add our own slight strength of pushing out the horrible things filling our mind, not only is the poison drained off, but we also feel stronger about ourselves.

It is the mind playing tricks on us and most times we couter these cruel tricks, but there are times when we can't or fail to see that they have crept in and spread.

So, next time the sadness comes on, STOP. This is the first step and it is the hardest. Then work on removing the poison.

Surely we deserve to live in the fullness of life...