29 July 2016

Have been seeing a lot of cross-talking...

about all kinds of issues raging in India of late. Nastiness and hitting below the belt... Intolerance for any difference... Getting vitriolic when viewpoints differ...and worse, noone really talks with any kind of intellectual authority - it's all hearsay with some masala added to it that gets passed on...

And the more I listen to people, the more I see that:

  • they have not bothered to think about the topic they are being so vocal about 
  • don't care about what words they are using 
  • cannot bear to think that someone may have a different opinion, let alone accept that, and 9 times out of 10, they actually know nothing about what is being debated, discussed, or conversed about
  • their words are full of hate and animosity

These people have just let fly a whole lot of disjointed words, not realizing that each word has its own energy which gets released into the ether - the aim, the only aim - to get the better of the person they are talking to (not with) or to put the person in the conversation down...somehow, say anything to get the upper hand, never mind that you are being rude or nasty, or wrong, or off the topic or anything... But, the released words develop a life of their own and get strung up as sentences which are very likely to become potent in their negativeness.

Really, ignorance cannot be forgiven.

It is so much better to keep quiet and listen to people talking about something you may not know, then later find out more about the topic. Then, your information along with what you have heard will help you develop your own body of thought about that particular topic, and you will be able to formulate your own view and opinions. The downside is that you will find yourself opting out of many circles that you may have joined, or being excluded from many circles you are a part of, but the upside is that you will be a better-informed person, will be able to expand your knowledge base, and be with people who respect you and whom you respect.

One needs humility to realize that one cannot know everything about everything. But that does not make one less interesting or intelligent or lovable or beautiful - it is just one (or ten or a hundred) things that one doesn't know. So what? We can find out. And, those who really care about us will continue to care and be enriched even as we feel enriched...