20 August 2011

From Minu, a dear, dear friend...

whose tears mixed with mine...and whose words blended with mine...(mine are in italic)

I cared for her
Like a babe in my arms
Her confused eyes
Focussed on my face...

Gently I pushed back her hair
And whispered in her ear
Sleep, sleep awhile...

My brother kept watch every night - i'd wake up suddenly, at all odd hours, and see him sitting by her bed, holding her hand, stroking her head, and know a sense of great peace 

She smiled wanly
If this was how it was meant to be?
Somehow it felt different
She vaguely remembered being on the other side---

With her children...

Tired, oh so tired
She cried, " God have mercy."

She was the mother
And yet here was her daughter mothering her
She had always given
Now she was learning to receive...

She went away

But I felt trapped
My wings broken
Oh Mom, I cried

Unable to cope
Unable to com to grips

You just left,
Without a word, a hug, or a backward glance
You did not come back

Did you know we kissed you and hugged you – wanting to give you the reassurance that you were much, much loved
You did not come back

Could you hear us singing – in parts – in tune, without a single wrong note 
You did not come back

Bubbloobeta and I dressed you the way you wanted to be dressed, Mummy,
You did not come back

When we kissed you good bye, we thought that you may not really leave us, but,
You did...
And you did not come back

I could not get enough of your lovely face, but we had to cover you
You did not come back

You went away to be with Daddy – that’s where you wanted to be
You did not come back

You were in such a hurry to go away
 You did not smile or kiss me good bye, Mummy,
You did not come back

You left me an orphan with nothing
You did not come back

You just left, and now,
You will not come back...