04 August 2011

Building learning blocks...

I want to share something which is happening to me right now - I was given a chance at Editorial Assistant-ship  for a retail newspaper. Retail has never featured in my life-space, or life-sphere. I've always been fascinated by fashion, lifestyle, and way-out consumer goods that periodically come into the market, but never knew they came under the category of Retail, till I started off, very, very diffidently, on this new journey. Now I'm wondering at this huge outer world where all these exciting things happen...retail-related, retail-connected, and retail-connected-to-the-world happenings.

My DD, of course, took charge of my faltering steps, and gave me assignments to help me get the hang of what I was expected to do - so now I'm speeding away on the road of editorial assisting...

What I cannot but wonder at is how one tiny bit of learning starts a nuclear-reactor effect - this tiny bit of learning goes and pings against another bit of learning, which splits and releases other tiny bits of learning which also zoom off into the zones where knowledge floats around, pinging away in all directions, and contributing their bits to the original tiny bit of learning, making it large...this is exactly what is happening to me...and I'm learning and learning and learning - which is, naturally, making my DD absolutely smug, since she contributed the very first ping...