29 March 2017

There is no point...

in saying 'should' unless it is followed up by action.

Of course, there are many usages of should. I am talking about the 'should do this' 'should do that' variety....the expectation variety. Here, 'should' implies superiority, a kind of pompousness. It's also very easy to say a lot of shoulds, but, if you notice, the person who says these shoulds - 'this should be done', 'that should be done' - usually looks around for someone who will say 'I'll do it' or 'I'll get it done'.

The ones who DO, very, very rarely say 'should' out loud. Such people, when they come up against a situation that needs something to be done, will quietly go about doing what they have to do without making a song and dance about it...

When a 'should' touches our own lives, we need to work on it our own selves as far as we can, without waiting for someone to come and help us out or do whatever it is for us...

Next time we say 'should', we need to see if we can quietly do something about it, and retract the should...