03 April 2017

Tune in to your inner voice...

at all times. Lots of things happen to crowd out that inner voice, but as soon as we feel hesitant about something, or have made an error of judgement, or have said something unkind without thinking, or have done something we should not have done, in retrospect,... it means we were temporarily tuned off. We somehow got disconnected. Of course we are bound to get disconnected....this happens....especially when we have a thousand things going on. But, we need to get connected back as soon as we can. There are signs that we need to pay heed to, which tell us when we have gone off the track.

Why I am saying this is because I have recently gone through a wonderful experience. I believe it is a miracle. My right eye which had developed pan uveitis 20 years ago, was declared out of danger last Thursday by my doctor. It hasn't been easy these 20 years. The doctor said that while he had done what had to be done, it was the healing hand of God that had finally healed my eye...

Many times when I failed to listen to my inner voice regarding my eye, I have felt the negative effects. These, with time and care, did ease off, but I needn't have suffered in the first place. This is something concrete. But ever since then, for the days we were in Madras, I have been thinking over all the times I could have avoided a lot of heartache and pain if I had listened to my inner voice. The options are not always easy to choose from, believe me. Sometimes both roads in front are painful....but the inner voice helps decide which pain would be easier to bear and overcome. A lot of my pain has happened from not listening - both physical pain and mental/emotional pain. My eye being declared healed has taught me a huge, huge lesson. It may take time, but with determined care and obedience to the inner voice, good things do happen. What is 20 years in the scheme of the Universe....I need to be eternally grateful that my vision has been restored. Another lesson - there is no quick fix solution to life's problems. There is no one way to handle all problems. A lot of patience is required. For each little step up, conscious gratefulness is necessary and has to be expressed. For each step down, of paramount importance are hanging in there, not letting go of faith, and gritting our teeth and doing all that needs to be done even though the end is temporarily out of sight. There is also no one result - good - in the solution of problems. Many times problems are sent to us and the hurt that is in them helps us to see what we had been blind to before... We actually need to be grateful for this pain and make sure we fix what needs to be fixed.

We need to draw the positive energies of healing towards ourselves. I use this Kabbalah chant - Mem Hey Shin - to bring the energy of healing to me.

Giving up is really not an option for if we are to live, then we have to live with hope, enjoy each day and above all be grateful to God for all that He sends our way...