10 April 2017

The best day of your life...

is the one in which you decide your life is your own. No apologies. No excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.
---Bob Moawad.

If I believe this to be true and not some good-sounding words, then I have to tell myself this every day. I also have to tell myself:

-----I don't need to be good at everything I do. I need to stop demanding this of myself at every point, instead of obsessing about it.

-----not to push down 'off moods'. I need to tell myself that when I feel off, my body and heart and mind are trying to tell me something. They are trying to tell me that some part of me needs a little special attention. The 'true me' is demanding this of me and I should heed it, if I want to be whole again.

-----that I am only human, and as such, am imperfect. But, I am precious. I need to accept this and forgive myself for believeing I have failed in this__, this__, and this__. I need to stop flagellating myself, forgive myself, not worry about what a, b, or c might be thinking, and put my life back on the track from which I had temporarily derailed myself and move on in a new direction - on my amazing journey - leaving the pain behind.