10 March 2017

Just a reminder...

Each creation in the plant world and animal world (man included) is unique.

Unique in size, color, how they are made, how they tick, voice/sound...

An imprint - finger, leaf, paw, or any body part - of every living organism is different...

Each living being's way of thinking and doing and growing is distinctive...

Every living being - from the tiniest plant to the teeniest animal to the largest tree and a giant animal - also suffers from stress and distress...

All living beings are interconnected - are dependent, even - in one way or the other in God's Universe...

We, each one of us, has our own unique space and place under the sun...

We just have to remember this and periodically remind ourselves that we are - each one of us - special, especially at those times when it seems as if everyone and everything is conspiring against us, pulling us down.... We also need to look at all other living beings as special in themselves...