20 March 2017

Am I paying enough attention...

to my inner voice?

The mind carries on a non-stop conversation with itself - this is hugely distracting but what is worse is that it is also debilitating and defeating. This feeling gets worse when images of the past - what we did instead of what we could have done, what we were instead of what we could have been....and other thoughts along these lines start forming conversation loops inside our mind. Soon we get so caught up in these conversations - loud, clamorous voices - that we, without even realizing it, descend into a deep pit of depression, fear, insecurity and all the attending emotional states.

Another defeating issue is when our inner mind conversations revolve around 'I'm supposed to be more than I am'. What am I doing here? Why have I become just another housewife battling with the day's routine and chores? Surely I am worth more than this? What happened to all my thoughts and wishes of leading a different kind of life? What happened to my not wanting to be another run-of-the-mill person? Thinking like this is crippling. There is no time or place for thoughts in which we are always trying to figure out ways to show we are good enough...we are not this drudge person...we have a passionate heart...we are not this dull, regular housewife...we are more than this......

In all this clamor, it is difficult to listen to our inner voice, which is actually the only voice we should be listening to. It is only our inner voice that knows our heart, knows us in our totality and the only thing that guides us through the whirlpools and eddies of life. Importantly, it is the only reality that can counter the imaginings of our mind.

Shakti Gawain says, “Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.”

This is true, for when we follow our inner voice, we not only find time to do all the things that we have lined up, but we also find time to do the things we like to do....and all without wearing ourselves out.

There is only one thing we need to do - we need to keep our minds calm and peaceful and create the right kind of inner environment so that we will be able to hear our inner voice clearly.

It is only our inner voice that will help us to navigate through all our confusions, doubts, fears and insecurities...