23 December 2016

A lot of lessons have been learnt...

last year.

Hard, bitter lessons.

I will try to keep my focus on the lessons I've learnt so that the next year is not as painful...or, if it is painful, I'll also remember that there is a reason for the pain. Believe me, there is a reason why we go through what we do - either happiness or sadness. Today I have realized and fully believe that the painful years were necessary to shape me into what I am today - Today, I have less hassles and therefore more comprehension of my life, less complexes and more confidence. I am more accepting and less questioning. I think more about things before blindly accepting everything I see or hear about. I am less analyzing, more believing, less critical and I try to look at what is good in everything and everyone. I have more confidence in myself. I try not to say just about anything that comes to my head and likewise not accept everything that is said to me or everything I hear. I don't dismiss things out of hand so much now, without first giving a patient look at what I am being so cavalier about...Most, most importantly, I believe I've got back myself and I'm learning how to be more independent in my thinking and also in the way I go about things.

In so many ways I feel I have changed....but I know that there is more painful chiselling and discarding to be done...as well as more incorporating of the things that are of spiritual value.

I want to wish all those who have taken time to share my fears and my thoughts a Merry Christmas. May you walk into 2017 with faith, good health, peace of mind and positivity.