26 September 2016

My Magic Circle...

I came across this concept during one of my meditations. It appealed to me greatly because there are times when I just want to close my eyes and ears to all that is happening around me - especially conflicting things - conflicting with my deep feelings and thoughts and beliefs. I am not one of those persons whose mind can move swiftly from one thing to another. I often get stuck on one thing till it is sorted out one way or another in my head. I am also not a person who can deal with too many things pinging on me at the same time. And when they do, I need to distance myself and put my thoughts in order, so that I can tackle them one at a time. I hate rushing about from one thing to another. Sadly, I am also a person who tends to blank out when there are too many words flying all around me.

I've been looking for help in being able to cope with this without coming across as aloof (though in my heart I am a loner) or selfish or rude. This meditation seemed to me the perfect solution: (I have paraphrased it a little to suit me, keeping the basic structure intact - I'm sure you would like to do the same).

Close your eyes and draw a magic circle on the ground (I live in an apartment so when I draw my circle, I have to picture the circle as being on the earth - through the floor and directly on the earth beneath). Inside the circle are clear air, sunlight filtering through the leaves of tall trees, cool, grass with wild flowers, birds, a stream with stones, birds. Nothing bad can enter the circle---not one bad memory, not one hurtful word from the past, not one painful or distressing/devastating action that has happened, not one fear for the future, not one agonizing insecurity, not one regret, not one harmful thought, not one perceived personal shortcoming (note the word perceived). Now step into the circle and picture yourself doing so. As if you are moving out from your present world into this beautiful, peaceful world. And so you lift one leg first and put your foot inside the circle and then the other. Once you've come inside, find a place that you want to be in and then JUST BE. Root yourself here. There is only you and this serene place you are in......no one and nothing else. Let the peace slowly filter into every part of your being. The peace comes up from the earth - the eternal mother. Feel the peace coming in from the soles of your feet into you. Absorb it. Feel the trees and the plants, the water and the stones all sending their love and energies into you. Let this peace soak all the way into the very marrow of your bones....into every cell of your brain and heart....let it wash your mind and heart clean. Just soak it all in...immerse yourself in the peace....at this time nothing else matters. You are one with the earth.

And then you can get back to the world, knowing you have your own secret place, your own magic circle to restore you...