03 June 2016

Be careful...

There is a concept that says you move toward and become that which you think about.

Sometimes we hear someone saying, about a person they've known for a long time, that ______ is behaving out of character....that _______ never did this kind of thing...

Of course one thing is that there could be a medical reason for this kind of change in behaviour. When my Dad, the gentlest of people, snapped at my Mum one day, this was so out of character that she knew there must be something deeply wrong. She got him to a hospital for a check-up and it was found that he had the beginnings of meningitis, which later on went on to become serious.

This is not what I'm talking about. This can be treated externally.

What I am thinking about is where we allow our thoughts to go...

So if I think victim, then all I do and say has all the characteristics of a victim - very sad, because I am, then, going to slowly but surely fritter away all my gifts and talents and cheerfulness and happiness. I would be on the road to forgetting that my DD loves me, there are some people who care, there are things for me to do, and that I have my own unique and special place in the Universe.

If I persist in thinking I know all the answers to everything everyone says and does, then I'm well on the way to becoming a self-styled know-it-all. Ghastly, because this is not the strength of conviction.

If I think aggressive, then that's what I'm heading towards - as opposed to being gently assertive when I need to be.

If, as my DD tells me, it's time I was a badass, then I have to start thinking badass, then, and only then, will I move towards being a badass (that's in a good way!). What fun!!

The body and mind move together and since the mind influences the body, it nudges, maybe even pushes the body along in the path it wants it to go.  This would carry with it it's own momentum. Change of direction would, therefore, need change of thoughts...change in thinking...

Thoughts are passing guests of the mind...we need to choose which thoughts we need to give a permanent home to...so that we become happy, strong people.

There are a zillion things that need my immediate attention. But, since this concerns me and I'm not really liking who I've allowed myself to become - no matter what the reason - then it's time to kick ass - mine first...