01 April 2016

There is absolutely no excuse...

for glibness. Everyone is not the same, and everyone reacts to the same stimulus - of happiness or sadness, of okay-ness or not okay-ness, of anything at all, actually - differently.

When one is not going through an easy time, I know it's easier to glibly use one of these phrases: You think too much...Be happy...Don't be so pessimistic...Let it flow...Take it easy... than really face up to the fact that one is not up to facing the other person's dilemma. It would be infinitely better if one would shut up rather than offer these phrases, because the person who is in a bad place can absolutely do without these words.

The best, in fact the only thing one can offer is total acceptance of how the other person is feeling by one's silent presence or an understanding hug. If words are to be used, then not words of commiseration, but words to show that one is not alone. You don't need to show the other person what to do, you need to walk a while with the other person down the painful road...