25 April 2016


is teaching me many lessons.

One, one can spend hours there without talking to anyone...there is a great sense of peace that slowly pervades the whole body. And the sense of achievement for every teeny bit of cardio exercises/weights completed...it's a warm fuzzy!!

Second, climate control hardly matters...we have fans in our gym, but often we are so engrossed in our exercising that we forget to switch them on...

Third, that dreadful feeling of self-consciousness vanishes, because we are not alone on this journey of physical fitness. There are others working out, there's music, and there is the occasional sound of laughter...There is a silent camaraderie without criticism or teasing or making fun of anyone. All body shapes and sizes are accepted....and as we go through our punishing schedules, there is only a sense of comradeship.

Fourth, one is not struggling alone. The instructor and trainer are there to check on how we are doing, mark our progress, increase or maybe decrease our weights and exercise time, and regulate what we are doing or have to do next. They also encourage us when we are struggling, and stand by us, cheering us on to get to the end...but they don't cut down on anything. We have to finish what we are doing...They are also around in case we sprain a muscle or feel unwell.

Fifth, one learns a lot about oneself. A great deal that we never knew or imagined about ourself is revealed. For that matter, qualities that we never dreamed we had pop up. Of course our self-confidence gets a boost, but more importantly, questions that we had hitherto buried deep inside of ourselves surface....and then there is no alternative, but to face them, deal with them and then work out what to do about them. We also learn that we can deal with muscles that are screaming in protest, increased heart beat, sweat pouring off us, and tears of frustration and pain.....

I'm totally loving this rigorous training of the body...it is making me stronger physically, mentally and emotionally.

My grateful thanks to my DD for insisting I join a gym...