11 November 2013

There are so many things we dream about...

what we'll become, or what we'll have, or what we'll do, places we'll see, new ground we'll break.....so many things.

And then life puts in places that have no semblance to what we dreamed about. It also puts us in situations where often the choices are between a hard place and a rock, and we take decisions that to us at that time and place, with the experiences we've gone through, our life views at that time, our mental-emotional-psychological stage of the time, seem the only right one, or rather the only one we can make.

No matter how many people tell us we could do things differently, give options which in themselves are very viable ones, they are not in our shoes---only we know what is going to work and how it will work.....

So never blame yourself or put yourself down or get angry with life - whatever we decide is what we think is best under the circumstances we find ourselves in....so chin up and go on...and keep giving of your best wherever you find yourself.