06 November 2013

All powerful motivators...

talk about creating ourselves......this is in line with my thinking on 'Limitations'.

We read, over and over, in different words, or put in different ways, that it is our thoughts that shape us and that if we can but channel our thoughts, we're well on the way to creating ourselves.

I think that creating ourselves is also about defining who we are....that is the first thing. So, what do we enjoy by way of food, dressing, reading, movies, music.....and on to the million little things that we really enjoy but maybe have kept hidden these past years.....this would include....which fragrances do we like, which perfume, what kind of hair clips or combs to wear in our hair, what colors do we like our clothes to be in, what kind of clothes make us feel good about ourself, what kind of jewellery.......and on even up to how would we would like our own special corner to look, or furniture arranged, or table set....and so on....

Then, we move on a step up, to, 'what kind of person would I like to be?'....this could be drawn from people we admire, it could be something we had dreamed of but which we had buried under the years, it could be taken from things we read...something attractive and which have moved us powerfully...the inspiration and resonance could be from anywhere or anyone....

And so, we take the first tentative steps to creating ourselves....without limitations....