20 January 2013

It's so important...

for those of us who want to be good, and accepted, and in that wanting have a tendency to negate ourselves, or put ourselves down out of a deep feeling of uncertainty about ourselves or out of childhood conditioning or out of some kind of skewered reasoning, to remember these words paraphrased from Rosie Molinary's words:

Being good, or wanting to be accepted, as it turns out, isn't about pleasing. It is about being just to others while also being true to yourself

What's more, we have to keep repeating them to ourselves and keep on and on and on at them till they become a part of us...

In other words, at all times we have to learn to love and respect our lives, our wishes, our thoughts, our feelings and our dreams and desires, and all that goes into making us what we are......while doing things for others.....

In essence: Be fair in all our dealings but ensure we are being fair to ourselves too.....

I know, often there is a lot of compromising that has to be done---but we also, in being fair to ourselves, need to understand that we must not compromise ourselves totally out of the picture....we have to have our place in the compromised picture too....and a place that we can be and are proud of.....not second place....and certainly not a hidden place...

As if to reinforce this thought, I came upon this:

If you really do put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.