19 January 2013

A story...

I wrote:

The Red Suitcase

You'll find it at: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/the-red-suitcase.html

It's a real life story about who is today a very dear person...

Something I learnt about dignity from her was that just because you might have more than her, it doesn't mean that we can, in wanting to help her, turn her life into something she is neither comfortable with, nor is HER....no matter how difficult it is to stand in the sidelines, one has to if one loves the other person enough to preserve her dignity and if help has to be offered, it should be done very unobtrusively and quietly. What she really wants is to be accepted as she is, loved for who she is, and respected as a human being....nothing more...Conscious of her place in the family hierarchy, she wants the rest of us in the next generations to remember that and give her pride of place...

.......and it is so difficult not to love her.....really.......