31 January 2013

As always happens...

when I come across an interesting thought, all kinds of related words, sentiments, arguments pop up. Whatever I read mysteriously resonates the thought in some way or the other. My thought processes are currently engaged with the word - reinvent. To be more specific - reinvention of the person.

This exciting, scary word, and the exciting, scary possibilities it throws up, seem like a challenge someone is throwing at you. You want to retreat into your cocoon: the cocoon of comfort where you know exactly how your day is going to shape up including all that you wear/do/say/are; the enfolded, insulated wrap which gives a feeling of security.

What we discount when we weave this cocoon is that the mind is free - free to think, free to imagine, free to exercise judgment, free to believe. The mind is not encapsulated in steel, and immunized against the outside, the world.

So, the best way to be at peace with yourself, to be proud of who you are, to accept that all the years that have gone before have not been wasted-in some way or they have, in fact added to what you have now become, to believe that your experiences through every moment of every day passed and passing are not in vain...

And then reinvent yourself every day - probe, discover-rediscover, envision, and improvise yourself; formulate how you'd like your life to be...what the road ahead should look like; toss out all that hasn't worked and bring in all that you fancy, that you like, and that you want happen to you; forge out a new path every day...it's all there, inside and outside....you just have to put it together in your own special, unique, secret way...