22 April 2012

There is nothing...

that is insignificant.

Things happen, things we read, or write, or talk about, or work on, or do......nothing is inconsequential, or irrelevant, or meaningless, or pointless, or trivial.....

A simple exchange, which we may call meaningless, is not so, because in those few moments we have allowed a heart to touch ours and we have touched another's heart.

A 'Hello, how are  you. I am fine' letter, with news of daily things that happened to him/her/them, is not to be discarded as something that has nothing of import in it. It is important, simply because a connection has been established...a reaching out has happened, an inclusion of you in their daily lives.

And so on....

If we measure everything in terms of usefulness, or importance, or spending of time, or value, then we are sure to miss out on the simple things that actually goes into making life beautiful and more importantly fulfilling.