19 April 2012

Another distractor...

(there is a word like that says the Oxford Dictionary!)

Anyway -

I've been distracted - totally and completely by Elizabeth Bard's Lunch in Paris. (A surprise gift from my DD)

I've been soaking myself in it, and I don't know what I'm enjoying more - the love story, or the recipes....or Paris.....?

As it  always happens with me, I end up trying to get an insight into the person/persons, and that invariably takes me off on another track.

No matter if it is Madame Defarge in Tale of Two Cities, or Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice, or Joe Gargery in Great Expectations, or Jason Bourne in Bourne Identity or whoever....I end up spending more time getting into their lives.....trying to pry and poke into what they are really all about - what they really think, or feel....