01 April 2012

Adding to...

The whole huge problem that women face...

So often I hear women, especially, saying that they don't want to get this, or subscribe to that, or they hide and push down feelings that pine for this or that... .Often they even give up essentials, and curtail or stop buying nice things for themselves, things that have always given them pleasure and hours of happiness, because 'how much longer am I going to live', 'why waste money on me now', 'this money can be better utilized, why spend it on me', and many other statements in the same vein. My Mum used to do this.

Agreed, there are a lot of things we cannot do or get because of current circumstances, but there are things which we can do and get...and .instead of concentrating on what we can, we wallow in feelings of persecution, and discontentment over what we can't. And, this, besides being grossly unfair, is downright ungrateful. Worse, when our children or loving friends want to do something, instead of graciously accepting, and relishing and reveling in it, we push them away allowing our feelings of 'oh, why me?' 'why did you bother?' and other such, to take over.....

We never know how long we are going to live, we have no idea when the call is going to come. But we do know that we have a loving Father, who would hate to see His children waste even a breath of a moment that He has so lovingly given in not being happy and joyful and not enjoying life...