08 April 2012

Is it providential?

that I was drawn to this book while browsing in my local library...Oona Mountain Wind, by Jasjit Mansingh

Still coming to terms with my Mum's passing, I found myself with this book, and though I tried to put it away and take another one, I saw myself with this in my hand - again...

And am finding it comforting. On a lot more issues than death....

Something that brought me up short was this:

"I realized, and accepted, that I was not going to get what I was seeking. Once  I accepted that, it was easy to release the desire for it." And then the author goes on to say, " I also saw that I was being unrealistic, and the we had much that was good."

I thought this was a key to a lot of things that we all go through - We all go through times when we feel that: our career path could have been better if...; our life would have been different if...; if we had been a few years younger...; I so want this, if only...; and so on... And we suffer so much, beating our wings in the 'cage' we find ourselves in, even if the cage is big and roomy and light and airy...........

Nowhere does life promise us that we will get what we desire, or wish for, or desperately want.....but we get ourselves trapped in these....To paraphrase Mansingh, if we realize that these are not going to happen, that we were not going to get what we were seeking, then accepting it would release the desire. And why would we want to do this? because we have a responsibility to ourselves - to see that we are happy and calm and at peace all the time..... When we see how unrealistic what we want/desire/wish for it, then not only do we release that, but our eyes also open to our reality and then we see that we really do have much that is good - much that we can make our life worthwhile with - much that we can make our nests happy with - much that we can use to make our lives full and complete and happy....