12 July 2017

We all go through times...

which we know are not going to end well. We make friends who we know deep inside our heart are not good for us. We plan things that we know are not going to work out. Sadly, these are all conscious decisions that we make and strangely, even as we make them we know they are wrong for us. But something drives us on to take these decisions. Having taken these decisions, very few of us backtrack on them for some vague reason or other, or have the guts to tell ourselves this was a wrong decision and we need to opt out before it's too late. Wrong decisions have only one outcome - they leave us with a bad taste in the mouth, a deep sense of loneliness and a terrible feeling of shame.

What we need to do first is to tell ourselves we're human and this was one of those unfortunate times...We have to release the shame that goes with the wrong turn that happened on our road. We need to tell ourselves that well, this is a mess in which we find ourselves, but we will see ourselves through the mess. We have to do this for ourselves, because we are our only best friend. Some people may be lucky to have a good pal hold their hand through the mess, but many of us don't have pals we can trust. So, it is necessary to tell ourselves - okay, too bad, but we can ride this through....we can get through this.... and with time, we are sure to......we are able to find the strength to get out of the mess we landed ourselves in.

We all have dark parts in our selves. We have parts in us that cry out for love. We have parts in us that want to be accepted by people around us. There are parts of us that want to fix everyone's problems. There are parts of us that want to be in control. There are parts of us that want to establish our place in the sun. We have parts that are always looking for approval from everyone. There are parts of us that are trying to impress people....and so it goes...

We have to acknowledge these dark parts. There are times when these dark parts try and derail us. They get the upper hand when we are weak and vulnerable. They creep up on us and before we know it, we're in their clutches. But it's okay. We don't need to trash ourselves for this. We don't need to think it is the end of the road for us. We don't need to give up on ourselves or on life. We need to stop, get a grip, and then peel away that dark layer and slowly get to the core of us which is beautiful. We will need to do that with each dark layer that appears. The question is not 'How many more layers?'....but.....'Wow! I beat that'... Once we get the hurdle of 'Why me?' out of our mind, we are sure to enjoy peeling away the dark layers.

Life, my friends, is the journey...