17 July 2017

Little things...


It's the small nod of the head - an acknowledgement of the person who cleans the stairway of our apartment building...

It's the cheery greeting to a stranger we see on the same sidewalk...

It's a smile to a person who obviously is not having a good day...

It's picking up a scrap of paper that has been carelessly thrown on the pavement...

It's doing something that noone sees, or acknowledges, or thanks us for, or recognizes, that make the difference.


It is the little things that give us away.

Sometimes we shoot our mouths off about something, but then, right afterwards we give the lie to what we just said...

We do something that we have shouted from the rooftops as being the wrong thing to do...

We are horrible to someone when just before that we have been talking about how we should respect all people...

We snipe at someone who is not in the room, after we have been righteously telling people we should not talk behind anyone's back...

We do the exact opposite of something that we take great pains to impress on people as being something we don't believe in...

We have to be aware of ourselves....of what we say and do and are...We need to strive to be real...always, just be real. Then, when we fall short, we can fix what is lacking in us...Being something we are, in our essence, not, will only complicate things for us. Better to grow into the things we admire and respect, and want to be, but are still not...