02 May 2016

Once again...

Harsh, cold, clinical, self-centered words
Have sprinkled ash on my heart
Leaving it writhing in pain....
It happens so often

Only, this time, it seems once too much...

The colors of my world have got buried
Under the cold ash
And the irrepressible colors of the landscape of my heart
Have turned to bleak - black - white - grey...

And then, once again, my backbone straightens

I am forced to stand and throw my shoulders back
Raise my eyes and look straight....look up
Scrub the pain down and clean my heart
So that bright colors can find their reflection anew...

I may be a little more bashed up, a little more pared
A little more cautious, a little more reserved
A little more quietly alone
But, I have got to my feet.......once more....