is a word with great depth of meaning for me. In fact, I would rate gentleness and kindness among the qualities I try to cultivate assiduously. These are also qualities I look for in others...they are certainly deciders for me... Of course if one has been badly hurt, these qualities are not going to be anywhere on the horizon - not in the being of them, not in the giving of them and not in the receiving of them. But then, comes a time when one cannot hang on to past grievances and hurts. They start to weigh down the soul and heart. Then you know, for your own good, it is better to let these go. Letting go of past hurts without having solved them or resolved them is not easy - at all. But, how long can you go on with a weight on your heart? How long can you hang on to something that is probably never going to get resolved? How long can you be a victim, searching for and wanting an elusive justice? How much longer are you going to wait to be reassured that you have your own place in the sun, even though everything points to that, and you are just refusing to see it because you are hanging on to something that happened, that cannot be undone, and that cannot be cleared up?
Be gentle and kind with yourself. What has happened has happened and even if it is resolved, you cannot get the years that have passed, cannot go back to being who you were at that particular point of time... That time is gone...this time is here and here you are - as you have evolved over the years.... Your insights have changed, your perceptions have changed, everything about you has are not even that are, in fact, a new person...
It's not easy, but, maybe, knowing we are not alone on this journey towards being gentle and kind with ourselves, will help....we can reach out to each other in the cosmos....we can send our healing and loving feelings across the ether...because the last destination on our journey to the great unknown has to be one of gentleness and kindness...only in this will we find the peace to say hello to each new day, live each moment with gratitude and in the evening when we say our prayers, we can lay our head down and drift into a sweet sleep.....ready for another new day....