09 January 2014

We all have...

eureka moments now and again...

Very often we would have heard or read the same things a hundred times, on and off over the years, but it hits us only when we are ready for it...and that is the time we need to grab it, take it seriously, and work on it....for it is only now that it will work, and work wonders for us.

I'd like to share two eureka moments I've had in these past two days.

One was from Oprah's newsletter 'Thought for the Day', where she talks with Bishop T.D. Jakes. This sentence grabbed me: 'When you hold onto your history, you do so at the expense of your destiny.' And my destiny is one moment at a time...

The second was this quote by Stephen Covey: 'I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.'

So, decide to shape your moment, shape it, and you will be shaping your destiny.....and don't let anyone or anything distract you from that.