02 November 2012

Often, when we go through...

one bad time, we think that if we ride it through, we'll be rewarded by a good thing...the pointer will move over the black patch into a patch of light...but more often than not, that is not the way Life works, because, so often, we find ourselves going from one bad patch, bang into another, and then again into another....the black clouds just don't seem to even want to part to let any light in....it is just unrelenting night and darkness and pain and sorrow....and we wonder if this is ever going to end...or change...

It does - if we just go through it concentrated on the moment without either looking back or ahead...I learned this from a wonderful book - The Art of Racing by Garth Stein.....will share more of this later......

Just wanted to say - one or two or a whole line of bad patches can be got through....