29 November 2012

Have you noticed...

that when you make an error in your work, everyone, even those who are friendly, or well-disposed towards you - both colleagues and bosses - distance themselves? none of the work - often commended - is remembered? in fact, nothing counts, except that error?

If you are one of those who tries very hard not to make errors, even maybe strive for perfection, like I so often wrongly do, we end up casting about our mind and reviewing and re-re-reviewing all that we did to desperately try to figure out why and how we could have made that error...

 I've italicized wrongly, because over the years I've seen how destructive trying for perfection can be...

And then if one person holds your hand (figuratively) and says 'it's okay, errors do happen,' then you don't feel alone - suddenly you feel strong and not-destroyed, and you get the strength to square your shoulders and go on...

It happened to me at work today, and it was my DD who gave me the impetus to go on...just by saying 'It's okay Ma, mistakes happen'...

If it's happened to you, pass it on...

Praise, appreciate, compliment, applaud as much as you can, to make up for that devastating single error...