23 October 2011

Was wondering...

how many of us, during a conversation, ask the other person his/her:

  • thoughts
  • views on what is being talked about
  • opinions
  • maybe similar experiences
  • maybe similar incidents
how many of us can be just plain appreciative without justifying, or explaining, or rationalizing, or reasoning?

how many of us draw out another person to tell us about:
  • themselves
  • their growing up years in school and college
  • what is happening in their work areas
  • their friends. acquaintances, and people they know
  • their particular interests
  • their likes and dislikes
how many of us really enjoy a joke with another person?

how many of us can laugh with another person:
  • at ourselves
  • with them about them
  • about some vague thing that might have read about or experienced
  • just for fun
how many of us find joy, enjoyment, and happiness in just sharing with another person?

how many of us can have pleasure in the moment without dooming and glooming?

how many of us can just be with another person without trying to advice/pontificate/tell/?

how many of us allow ourselves to be sounding boards for those for whom we are sounding boards?

how many of us give the same importance to others and what happens to them as we do to ourselves and what happens to us?

how many of us can wholeheartedly accept another's feelings, thoughts, beliefs, even though we may not agree with them, or have different points of view, only because we have a feeling of kinship with that person?

how many of us make demands of time, understanding, sympathy, empathy, and all kinds of things, without being ready to reciprocate?

how many of us so boast and go on about our achievements/wisdom/knowledge, or whatever and fail to see the hurt/longing/small-but-major-for-them achievements of others?

how many of us can just share an appreciation just for the sake of sharing the appreciation?

how many of us can cry with another, without offering any solace, except the joint grief of tears?