18 October 2011

Lesson 4...studying...

the photographs....

it came to me that no matter what the color of the clouds that swirl around the mountains, the mountains never change...white, black, dark grey clouds - they all move, and drift away -  the mountains remain pristine
 It's the same with us - Deep inside us are the mountains of truth, beauty, and goodness. White clouds of happiness, dark clouds of doubt, fear, unhappiness, grief, drift around - but as the beautiful white mountains remain the same, steady and unchanging, our core too remains unchanging...

We need to always carry the image of the mountains with us. When any dark thing assails us, all we need to do is to conjure up the image of the mountains and wait....

            the peace and strength will surely flow in....

(I guess that's why every wise person tells us to always hark to the inner voice - it will come if we are still enough)