16 September 2022

So much is being written…

about the Queen’s passing. But what I am finding increasingly intriguing is how in her passing the Queen has brought the whole reality of colonisation into focus. Quite unwittingly. Historians, thought leaders and influencers are pulling out all kinds of data on colonisation and are analysing how it has affected and impacted on people and, in fact, still does. This one sole lady has, somehow, caused people to reflect on the condition of the world. She did her bit to help deconstruct and dissolve the British Empire, but it is as if a Pandora’s box has been opened with discussions and debates on the British Empire, leading to discourses and debates on other colonising powers….So many man-made and man-created empires pillaged and looted and occupied lands not their own, created so much turmoil in the lives of ordinary people, spread so much fear and grief…. Colonised nations are still trying to rebuild themselves even after years of freedom… Thing is, we are all human beings, all created in God’s image—black, white, yellow, whatever, bright, genius, not-so-bright, challenged, SLGBTQ, of various faiths and denominations…the differences are many…and yet we are all human with all of a human being’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, concerns, fears…This may sound simplistic, but it is the reality—the simple true reality which we are so busy trying to complicate. There has been huge pain in death, holocaust, partition, tortures… Can we not try and put the past behind? Can we not concentrate on the aspects of life of our countries that connect us - music, sport, literature, technology, to mention some… Can we not allow our human-ness and humanity to link us…and look to the future which comes with its own set of problems that need to be solved… that need us to work together….?