08 September 2022

A strange but…

very real phenomenon we have here in India is how we manage to ‘Indianize’ everything. No matter from which part of the world the influence is, if we like it, or if we find use in it, we take it in, Indianize it and make that version our very own….!!! For instance, English—-we speak it, but in our own way. We love western wear, but we Indianize it in our own unique distinctive way. In Education, the International Baccalaureate programme, and the International General Certificate of Secondary Education programme are deeply interesting and we want to incorporate them in our schools….so we do this, and then promptly go about Indianizing them….. And Music! Dance! The biggest changes ever have been made in these fields because of the western influence. And so, whether it is planning a buffet, or a getting ready for a plane journey, or choosing the decor for our home, no matter which area of our lives we look at, we set our criteria keeping western standards in mind. But…….they are all very, very, very Indian….. very desi….. and somehow we force the world to accept this…