10 August 2017

Check this out...

Being good at something is never a replacement for loving it.

I came across this in my meditation today. It's from The Tiny Buddha.

When we are good at something we will get awards, we will get recognition, we will get the big boss' approval, we will be chosen for important posts, but we need to check if we are happy. Happiness in what we do is something else altogether.

Our expertise in what we do, and deep happiness and satisfaction in what we do, may not always be on the same track.

When our starting point is that we are good at our jobs, we do everything that ratifies this belief. As the responsibilities and accolades grow, we start believing that this is what we were meant to do. However, there comes a time in life when the doubts, hidden till now, surface and we ask ourselves - what am I doing? When did I get to be like this? What happened to the real me? And the result  - disillusionment and a sense of loss. It could well be that when we realize this, we are in our 50s or 60s or 70s.

And so, for those starting out - check if what you are good at is also something you love. If not, change track...

For those who are past the hump, conventionally speaking, if you see that where you are and what you are good at is bringing you a sense of loss and heartache, you can still change track...