21 June 2017

During WWII...

Albert Camus, while reflecting on the strength of people's character in turbulent times wrote: "We must mend what has been torn apart, make justice imaginable again in a world so obviously unjust, give happiness a meaning once more.”

WWII had brought with it deadly injustices which engulfed Europe. Camus believed that mending the world required patient, steadfast, and often unglamorous work. "It is the work of choosing kindness over fear, again and again, in the smallest of everyday ways, those tiny triumphs of the human spirit which converge in the current of courage that is the only force by which this world has ever changed," he said.

We live in turbulent times too. All kinds of turbulence and injustice hit and completely put out of countenance our ordinary, everyday lives. We are shaken to the core as the world literally seems to have gone off the rails. We can and we must take strength from what Camus says and in our own little spheres and worlds do our bit of mending and give happiness a meaning again.......and again......and again...