19 June 2017


“Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.” ~ Rumi

To dance...
We need to choose not to ever become victims of our reality. We need to believe that there is a reason for our being here - in the exact spot where we are right now. We won't see why right away, but our being where we are is part of a pattern in the tapestry of our lives. For the pattern to work out, we need to clear up all that is blocking us - guilt, anger, sadness, fear, hurt...anything that is making us feel like victims - and let the Creator's Light come in. When the Light comes in, we feel at peace with ourselves and the place we are in.

And, we need to sing.

To sing...
Ethel Wilson of the COWICHAN tribe shares this piece of Native American wisdom: "Your power comes from the songs." She says, "Get yourself a drum. When you sing a song and play the drum, you'll be surprised how your mind, body, and spirit will react. Everything becomes calm and joyful. Our bodies love the songs. The songs allow us to touch the hand of the Creator. When we sing and touch the Great Spirit's hand, He gives us power."