09 December 2015

Have we lost our ability to care.....?

really, really care? As in find out more about why someone is going through the experiences they are going through and even if we cannot do anything, at least just hold that person's hand and say - I'm around...? Or spend a moment enjoying the another person's happiness, laughing with them, enjoying the pleasures of life with them?

Have we lost our ability to look around us when we are outside to look at other people, at trees and flowers....?

Have we lost our ability to listen to the sounds of life, the chirping of birds, the voices of children....?

I'm wondering if we are not losing our human-ness in this whole new  digital-cyber-world....If we aren't losing the reaching out to each other, instead of messaging in abbreviations....If we are not becoming the poorer for a perfunctory nod while checking our cellphones instead of spending time talking....If we are not putting our parents and those of earlier generations into a second zone simply because it would take more time to communicate with them, seeing as they do not quite belong in our primary zone, the digital-cyber zone....If we are not forgetting that we are a part of nature, and becoming incapable of listening to the sounds of birds, the voices of children, and seeing the beauty nature unfolds every day...If we are not forgetting the tone and texture of human contact, the human touch as it were.

Basically, we need to care for others....care about others. More importantly we need to give of ourselves....if only for the good of our own selves...