09 March 2014

It is the journey that matters...

is something we read every so often as we trek along on this journey of Life...

We mark out important days and dates on our calendar, either month-wise or week-wise, so there's something to look forward to or work towards. But, what of the DAY - the day which is made up of moments. Often I forget that these moments too are part of the journey. Now, I'm trying to be conscious of each moment - conscious of the coffee cup I have in my hand and then of every sip, conscious of every word that I am reading, conscious of the task I am doing - be it putting clothes in the washing machine, or cooking, or cleaning, whatever.... Sometimes I have to drag my mind back, as it's taken off somewhere else.....and I'm learning that it is only important to know that we are in that moment - we don't have to do anything earth-shattering or world-changing. How we are in that moment is changing our world.....and that is enough....

I believe this would help us to become alive to the potentials that are in us, the possibilities around us, the talents and various gifts we have, and to all our emotions.