21 March 2014

10 ways we can make life happier for ourselves...

If we are happy, we'll emanate happy energies...

1. Everything (even the worst possible thing) has one humorous thread hidden in it - find it and laugh

2. Don't underestimate daily rituals - doing them even when you don't feel like it, becomes a form of meditation and releases pent up stress. Pep up daily rituals with sharing - a potluck meal, maybe? or something that puts the spring in the step

3. Exercise, maybe gently - but do some physical activity - it releases happiness hormones

4. Make sure there is something beautiful in every room - something beautiful to which your eyes get drawn - they make a glow spread all the way from your tummy to your heart

5. Take up some hobby - some art or craft work - when you see yourself creating something, it will give you a good, 'wow-I-did-that!' feeling

6. Hug - that will make you feel warm raise you on your 'lovable' scale

7. Nap - Indulge yourself and enjoy God's balm for the mind and soul

8. Let it go - Lot of truth in the Beatles song 'Let it be'. Just let it go - whatever it is. And WAIT in silence

9. Keep a Journal and note down 5 happy things you are grateful for. When you search through the day, you'll find more than 5, actually

10. Besides your 'serious' reading, make sure you have something light and frothy too on your bedside or study table

Happiness is in hidden in every moment...find it...