13 February 2014

A lot of things became clear...

when I read this today: “It is not a virtue to refrain from hurting others, but it is a virtue to bear a hurt patiently.” - Solomon Ibn Gabirol, "Mibhar HaPeninim"

As I've learnt, the very hard way, that hurtful things are sent to us, or we find ourselves in a hurtful situation, because Life has a lesson in it and wants us to learn that lesson...

I've also been increasingly influenced by the truth that I am where I am because this is where God wanted me to be...I am not in the wrong place when I hurt - I am in the right place, in the right time....

Nothing 'just happens'...

Which clearly means that if I accept that I am exactly where I was meant to be, and if I can wait out the hurtful time, then I would have learnt one of Life's invaluable lessons, and become that much the better for it, and stronger too...