16 September 2013

Limiting statements...

When I look hard at what I am saying....force myself to listen what I just said...or force myself to examine what I just thought, I see that very often these are limiting statements - limiting statements that start with - I can't...or, I don't know how.....or, should I?.....or, can I?....or, I'm not sure if this is for me....and various other statements in the same vein.

If, before I do anything, or try my hand at something, my take off point is a limiting statement, then how am I going to know if I can do this at all....? Maybe I won't succeed, or maybe I will, but if I limit myself right in the beginning then I am putting a clamp on my brain, my mind, my heart and my soul...and after cramping all these parts of me, I try to do something....obviously it's not going to work.....I'm not giving myself a fair chance at it....I'm not doing justice to what I am all about...I'm not even trying to find out if I have it in me or not to do what comes to my mind or what Life puts in my way...

So if I don't succeed - what of it? I'll still be able to use my free brain, mind, heart and soul to find a way around, or a way out or better still turn it to my advantage...

If I succeed - Cheers!

But I have to give myself the chance...a fair chance...have to free myself of all these fetters...