23 June 2013

I saw this...

incredibly beautiful sight this morning...

Sipping my hot morning drink and looking out on a cloudy day, a tree in the hedge caught my eye - it belongs to the Gul Mohur family I'm quite sure because the orange-gold flowers look similar though they were in small clusters on long and not-so-long- stems on this tree. The leaves were the same as those of the Gul Mohur.

There were these two clusters, specifically, not on very long stems, which had their leaves, 2 sets each, leaning over the fence. To my astonishment and absolute disbelief, I saw them tap dancing as it were. Actually! There was a gentle wind, and while the clusters bent forwards and backwards and sideways on their stems, the leaves splayed out over the fence were actually going up and down, moving in perfect rhythm - I know it's hard to believe, but it really happened. I was mesmerized......the leaves and flower heads were keeping perfect time, and the leaves were actually tap dancing...

It was too far to get a pix but this one here will give you an idea...

the pix I got from my window was like this...

the leaves were tap dancing on that fence...

The clusters of flowers that were on longer stems behind these two were gently swaying in the breeze, keeping time too....it was incredible.....