15 June 2013


are all necessary and all good...

Good, happy, positive experiences we accept without a thought, sail through, and enjoy...

Sad, unhappy, bitter experiences we question - are even willing to put ourselves in the dock, and maybe even crucify - and we struggle against them, fight them, and lose against them and crucify ourselves some more.

These last few months have taught me the negative, ugly, bitter experiences are actually essential for us - not to crucify ourselves and say 'see, I knew I was all rubbish', but to see how we can overcome/get around/deal with/ learn from them - and the thing is that all of us have, deep down...the unconscious?, subconscious?, ...the desire not to let anything get the better of us....it's just that we have different staying powers - some hang in there till they come out, some give up after a bit, not trusting in themselves that they actually do have a great deal of inner strength and fortitude, and some just lie down and die...totally give up, without even trying. Why? because they underestimated themselves, because they did not believe in themselves, because they did not accord themselves any dignity.

Not only do our experiences leave their mark on us, but how we deal with them also leaves its mark. In fact, that is what gives our face and features and 'us' contours, and refines and sharpens our mental, physical, emotional, and psychological shape.

So, next time something good comes along, enjoy it with your whole heart and being, and....

when something horrible comes along, accept it with grace, recognize your innate dignity and abilities, and deal with it as best as you can - never mind if the outcome is not what you expected - it's worse.....terrible.....leave it as it is and go about the next moment forcing one step at a time---it works out in the end.....may take a long time, but it does and will work out - IF you don't cave in.....and that's one more significant mark on you making you one notch more beautiful.....and if your efforts paid off, those efforts too will leave their mark to assure you about the stuff you are made of...