10 June 2013

A line...

 in an article caught my eye - it was about living life.

Day after day we go through so many motions, do so many things - some new, some old, some routine...

The routine ones are the most dangerous, because we do them mechanically, without thinking, and almost like robots programmed to perform that particular task at that particular time in that particular way. No change, not even in the pattern of blinking our eyes, or the movements of our hands and feet. Going a step further, these routine tasks actually have the power to make us guilty if we don't perform them, have you noticed? We can miss a meal, or sleep a little longer, or take time off to do something we like.......but miss a routine task, and the guilt feelings come piling on.

This is where we really need to take off....and here's something by my favorite writer, Maya Angelou:

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style!

So tomorrow when one of those routine tasks come marching along at the usual time, i'm either not going to do it, or do it differently, and maybe do it with some style!!!! Certainly am not going to do it unconsciously.....